Local Chapters | Global Network
Build your business relationships, resources, and reputation.

Gain exclusive access to the luxury wedding industry with local chapters and global contacts and assets.

membership information

Members enjoy the privilege of exclusive access to a luxury network, providing unique opportunities and connections in the world of luxury weddings and events.


Unlock the path to building wealth and wisdom in the wedding industry, where you'll gain invaluable resources, expert guidance, and a supportive community to help you achieve financial success and create a life of independence.


Around the world and in your own community. Connect, collaborate, and elevate your business through networking opportunities, educational resources, industry insights, and supportive relationships.


you will embark on an extraordinary journey as a member of W Society, where the realm of possibilities unfolds in the wedding industry:

  • Immediate ACCESS to our online community, masterclasses, and resources empowering you to excel to the next level in your business success. 

  • Monthly live group coaching calls and mastermind call (online) so you can achieve your goals with support and guidance of fellow wedding industry experts. 

  • Member Feature on our W Society instagram where your  your talents will shine amplifing your brand's visibility and reach. 

  • Moreover, your membership grants you exclusive ACCESS to monthly Chapter Brunch Workshops, Styled Editorial Photo Shoots, Annual Immersive Wedding Shows, and Bicoastal and Global Summits.

          ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP-  $500

When you become an elite W Society member...

Members of W Society, unlock a world of exclusive benefits and unparalleled opportunities in the wedding industry.

What to Expect


Holistic Approach

You're going to love it here, promise.


Our community consists of world-renowned professionals who have garnered acclaim and respect for their unparalleled expertise. 

By joining, you gain access to a wealth of resources, opportunities, and a supportive community that can significantly impact your business's growth and success. The networking connections alone are invaluable, providing access to influential professionals and potential collaborations.

The educational workshops and industry insights will keep you informed and ahead of trends. The exposure and recognition through the W Society platform can elevate your brand's visibility and attract high-end clients. Ultimately, the investment in W Society opens doors to possibilities, propels your business forward, and offers a return on investment that extends far beyond monetary value.


At W Society, we prioritize professionalism, and mutual respect, fostering a supportive community where members uphold high ethical standards and adhere to our code of conduct.


At W Society, we provide a seamless experience by facilitating secure and convenient payments directly through our website, ensuring a streamlined and hassle-free transaction process for our members.


W Society offers a diverse range of programs designed to empower, inspire, and elevate our members, including educational workshops, networking events, collaborative projects, and industry summits.



Yes, W Society is dedicated to the professional growth and development of its members. We offer various mentorship and educational programs designed to support members in their journey to success.

Our mentorship initiatives connect members with experienced industry professionals who provide guidance, advice, and support tailored to individual needs. Additionally, we offer educational programs such as workshops, webinars, and masterclasses led by industry experts, covering a wide range of topics including business strategies, marketing, branding, and industry trends.

These programs provide valuable insights and practical knowledge to help members elevate their skills and stay ahead in the dynamic wedding industry. At W Society, we believe in the power of continuous learning and mentorship to fuel personal and professional growth, and we strive to provide our members with exceptional opportunities in these areas.

8. Does W Society offer any mentorship or educational programs for members?

To become a W Society member, there are a few requirements that we consider. First and foremost, W Society membership is specifically designed for leaders in the wedding industry.

We welcome individuals who are passionate about their craft and committed to excellence. Additionally, we encourage members to have a certain level of professional experience and expertise in their respective fields. While there may not be strict quantitative criteria, we value a demonstrated track record of success and a commitment to continuous growth and improvement. W Society membership is also subject to a membership fee, which helps support the community and its activities. Overall, we seek members who align with our values, are dedicated to their craft, and are eager to contribute to and benefit from our vibrant community.

7. What are the requirements for becoming a W Society member?

Getting featured in a W Society editorial styled shoot is an exciting opportunity to showcase your talent and gain exposure. As a member, you will have access to submission through our exclusive channels, allowing you to submit your work for consideration by our expert team.

 We value creativity, innovation, and high-quality execution, Our team carefully reviews each submission and selects those that best represent the desired aesthetic and contribute to the overall concept. Being featured in a W Society editorial styled shoot can elevate your brand and provide valuable visibility within the industry.

6. How can I get featured in W Society editorial styled shoot?

Yes, as a member of W Society, you have the exciting opportunity to attend events in other cities, expanding your network, gaining new insights, and forging connections with industry professionals beyond your local area.

5. Can I attend events in other cities?

Yes, W Society offers the flexibility to transfer your membership if you move. We understand that life circumstances may change, and we want to ensure that you can continue to benefit from your membership regardless of your location.

 Transferring your membership allows you to seamlessly transition to the W Society chapter in your new area, providing you with continued access to our vibrant community, events, and resources. Whether you're relocating within the same country or moving to a different part of the world, we are committed to supporting your journey and ensuring that you can maintain your valuable connections and engagement with W Society. Our dedicated team is here to assist you throughout the transfer process, helping you seamlessly integrate into the local chapter and make the most of your W Society membership in your new location.

4. Can I transfer my membership if I move?

No, attendance at W Society events is limited to members only. As a member-driven community, our events are specifically designed to provide exclusive opportunities, networking, and educational experiences for our esteemed members.

This ensures a focused and tailored environment where members can thrive, collaborate, and benefit from the collective wisdom and support of fellow industry professionals. While non-members may not attend these events directly, we encourage interested individuals to explore membership options to unlock the full range of benefits and access to our exceptional events and workshops.

3. Can I attend W Society events and workshops if I'm not a member?

After becoming a member you get to create a log in. Through this log in, you are granted access to our Members Area where you are able to RSVP and purchase tickets to meetings, events, photoshoots, and wedding shows. 

Inside of our members area you will also gain access to our masterclass and W Society resources.

2. After I sign up for Membership how do I reserve my seat or spot at events.

The "W" in W Society stands for Wedding Industry Leaders becoming World-Renowned, embracing Wisdom and Wealth on their journey to success.

We believe in cultivating wealth, not only in terms of financial prosperity but also in artistic excellence, innovation, and personal fulfillment. Through collaboration, support, and the exchange of knowledge, W Society paves the way for women to thrive, make a lasting impact, and create a legacy within the vibrant and ever-evolving world of weddings.

1. What does the "W" in W Society stand for?


Frequently Asked Questions

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